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Mortgage intermediaries report that remortgages for owner-occupiers made up the largest part of their business in Q1 2018, representing 41% of total applications.

Landlord confidence remained stable or increased in the first quarter of 2018, according to a survey carried out on behalf of Paragon by BDRC.

Buy-to-let landlords with four or more mortgaged properties now have fewer lenders to choose from following more detailed underwriting rules introduced by the PRA at the end of September 2017.

Landlords with between 6 and 20 properties in their portfolio have increased from 35% to 39% of those surveyed according to Paragon’s latest PRS Trends research.

Paragon has launched a new range of Limited Edition buy-to-let mortgage products for portfolio landlords who have four or more mortgaged properties.

Paragon will introduce a procuration fee for brokers who submit further advance business for buy-to-let customers that completes. 

The self-employed make up one in five of all specialist, residential mortgage customers according to mortgage intermediaries in Paragon’s Q4 2017 Financial Adviser Confidence Tracking Index.

Survey finds preference for fixed rate mortgages with an initial product term of five years or more overtakes two year deals for the first time in Q4 2017.

Paragon launches online product switches and further advance facility for buy-to-let mortgage customers and intermediaries.

Landlords are continuing to reduce borrowing as levels of gearing reached an all-time low in Q4 2017, according to Paragon’s latest PRS Trends report.